About The Site
Welcome to Dean's World! This website is a forum for all of my various creative projects. As a writer, musician and artist, I come up with ideas that fall under many different categories of media. Some of them will hopefully make their way to publication, but others will make their way here. I am also always glad to receive feedback, so feel free to contact me through the address listed at the bottom of the page. Feel free to also visit any of my social media connections listed below and enjoy the site!
May 12, 2013
New Demo Track and Site News
After nearly a year of no updates, I've finally added something new to the site! In the "Demos" section, there is now a new cover I've done of "Being Alive" from the musical "Company". Now that I've finally started to streamline the process for creating these covers, I'm starting to wonder if I should start posting on a monthly basis so that I have a least some content to put up here. I'm leaning strongly towards that possibility, but due to some computer issues, I may not be able to work on another cover for a few weeks (although I have an idea for what I want to do next). However, even if I don't have another cover to upload for a while, I do have something else to post here; I recently found some poems I wrote for a class a while back. While most of them are pretty terrible, there's a few that, with some cleanup and revising, could be pretty decent. Once I have revised them, I'll put them up here.
But I have more to discuss than how frequently I post new items. I am in the planning stages of completely redesigning this websie from the ground up. I know that it seems silly to redesign a site that I update so infrequently, but as my online presence continues to grow, I feel that I need to start branding myself. In the past year, I have begun to create an online media portfolio which, I hope, will make it easier to find a career once I've finished my degrees. While creating the portfolio, I realized that right now is the time to start creating my own brand. I need to tie together my websites, blogs and social media sites so that it's evident they are all part of the same network.
Now, this is not to say I'm unhappy in any way with the way this site looks or runs; frankly, I'm quite pleased. But it doesn't feel all that linked to my other sites. Moreover, because I update infrequently, it looks like a very static site most of the time. So, in addition to rebranding, I want to redesign the site so that even if I'm only updating once a month, it won't look that way; for example, instead of making a newspost about every single thing I update, I'm going to implement a feed with all the recent updates. Now, this likely won't happen for some time; as I already indicated, I'm still in the planning stages. But seeing as I have a light courseload at school this summer, I want to devote time to my creative endeavors. That being said, I will be spending the upcoming months sketching out my ideas for just how to do all this. When the time comes to build and upload the site, I will keep you informed via these newsposts and my social media outlets of my progress.
It's gonna be a crazy ride, but it'll be worth it in the end.